25 Things I’ve Learnt By 25

Turning 25 is very much a limbo period with half of people telling you you’re a quarter of a century years old, you’re halfway through your 20s and all your best years are behind you. The other half are telling you you’re not old yet, you’re still young and to be grateful your back doesn’t hurt.

You never know who to believe.

Looking back, I’ve learnt a lot about myself during my early to mid-20s and turning 24/25 in a global pandemic was probably a little different to the norm. So, I’ve decided to list 25 things that I have learnt by 25, to show myself how far I’ve come.

  1. Calpol is actually just liquid paracetamol.
  2. You’re going to be stuck with yourself for the rest of your life, so learn to love you.
  3. Bills are expensive but you cant sit by candle light to save electric.
  4. Pushing yourself to be your ideal body shape might actually make you unhappy.
  5. Pufferfish puff up by taking in water, not air.
  6. Staycations are awesome and we have some fantastic places right on our doorstep.
  7. The saying is “all the rage” not range and is not free advertising for the shop.
  8. Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t want to; it will just make you sad.
  9. Accept all your emotions and ride the wave, you’re allowed to feel that way.
  10. Baked beans are not a type of bean, they do not grow already baked. They are Haricot beans.
  11. Saying “at least…” to someone when something has happened, or they are sad does not help and makes you sound insincere despite your intentions.
  12. Vine is better than TikTok. #freshavocado
  13. Nobody is going to force you to do anything, if you want to reach your goal, you need to take the leap yourself.
  14. Try a different genre of music, you might find you love smooth jazz.
  15. That sound your car makes isn’t going to fix itself.
  16. Pineapples grow out of the ground rather than on trees.
  17. It’s never too early to start thinking about retirement… no really, you should contact IFP here!
  18. Surround yourself with people who you like rather than wasting your energy on those you don’t care about.
  19. Let nobody stand in your way, bulldozer the rest who stand in it.
  20. Coffee is delightful and spend time finding your favourite mix. Mine is a coconut milk latte with a shot of vanilla if you’re buying.
  21. Knowing when you’ve reached your drunken limit and going home. This one is hard to master but when you do, its amazing!
  22. Re-wear outfits because you look hot and nobody is going to care that they’ve seen it twice.
  23. Dalmatians are real and were not created by Disney.
  24. If you live on your own, cook for friends. It will give you the motivation to do so and you can make tasty treats.
  25. There is someone out there who will accept you for you, you just have to accept yourself first.

Article By: Rachel Naulls, Senior Paraplanner 

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